For this walk allow 1 hour. This is a circular walk and includes some steep hills. Starting at Trelavour Square proceed up the footpath to the left of The Commercial Inn immediately bearing right up a short steep section and past the school playground on the left. At the top of the footpath turn left along Hall Road towards Carne Hill Chapel. At the end of Hall Road turn right into Church Road and before reaching the church turn right and proceed down Steep Carne. At the bottom of the steepest section bear left and continue downhill to the tee junction. Turn left towards Castle View passing Carne Cottage on the left. Continue uphill passing Carne Terrace on the left and Castle View also on the left. Pause here for a panoramic view of Goss Moor and Castle an Dinas. Upon reaching the tee junction at Domellick Corner turn left uphill towards Carne Hill. Just before reaching Carne Hill Chapel follow the "Public Footpath" sign on the right passing over a stile in the granite wall. The path descends steeply until reaching Rectory Road. Turning left care is required as this is a busy road but this is a short section to Trelavour Prazey. Turn left along an unmade-up road and then left into Wellington Road, at the top of which turn right returning to Trelavour Square.
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