Bygone Days
Bunt's Cobblers Shop
The team at St. would like to thank Mr. Graham Bunt and Mr. Philip Bunt for this exclusive contribution.
Please note that this account is the property of Mr. Graham Bunt and Mr.Philip Bunt
and must not be reproduced in any form without their consent.
Extract from the memoirs of Claude Bunt 1921 to 2009
First of all I was at Malta then Italy up as far as Portici just outside Naples then I was posted to Egypt, to an aerodrome called Heliopolis just outside Cairo.
At this maintenance unit we serviced aircraft for major overhauls and passed them fit to fly for squadron work. One day a pilot flew in with a Beaufighter twin aircraft and low and behold it was Mervyn Kent who lived at Carne Hill and he was flying back to St Eval the next day and flying out to Heliopolis after a few days leave in St Dennis, so I asked him to call at Trelavour Rd and see
Eveline and baby Graham and let me know how they were. He called and saw Eve and Graham. Then when he flew out again he gave me all the news verbally and photos also the St.Austell Guardian which I read with relish. Mervyn did this trip many times so I kept in touch with home quite regular. I tried to arrange some leave so that I could fly home with Mervyn but I could not get permission from the C. O. {Commanding Officer}. The war effort came first! ! !
I wonder if we would have won the war if I was able to arrange that leave home! ! ! { joke }.
Eventually the war ended and I was sent to England to be demobbed, landed at the south of France and from there by train to Dieppe and then on to England and back to Hednesford to be discharged. Kitted out with new civilian clothes and looking well sunburnt I arrived at St. Austell railway station to be met by Grandad Allen. I walked up to him but he did not recognise me in civilian clothes. When I came home to Ingleside on Trelavour Rd and after loving kisses all round I tried to pick up Graham and give him a loving hug and kiss but he just cried and ran under the table. All was well in the end. And we hugged and kissed, this being the first time I had seen him { proud dad }
I cannot remember how long a leave I had but I was soon back at work at the ByPass Garage St.Austell working for Mr Clem Roberts.
After working at the garage for several months Dad told me about Gothers concrete works. The wages were twice the amount I was earning at the garage so I gave my notice and left.
Dad was the foreman at the reinforcement shed so I applied for a job as a cutter, bender and welder and was taken on. We made all the reinforcement for Cornish unit housing , Dutch Barns and anything else that was needed.
In 1953 my second son was born in St Dennis. Philip Godfrey Bunt. A beautiful baby with a pure white head of hair.
After a few years, Dad died ( Edwy Bunt 1901 to 1961) and I was offered the job of foreman which I took. Mr Brown who also worked in the reinforcement shed was a fully trained shoe repairer. He and myself got together and we bought the shoe repair business from Mr Coomb at the bottom of Trelavour Rd (Now the garage of Mr David Brewer) . Cannot remember how long we worked together but at one point we had a disagreement and I offered Mr Brown my half of the business so that he would be able to carry on but he refused the offer saying he could not raise the money, so I bought his half and carried on, on my own. Eventually I moved the repair side to a larger shop in the Fore St. (next to the cinema) which was rented from Mrs Trudgeon (widow of dear Old Whisker')
The business expanded after brother George joined & we moved across the road next to Lloyds bank (Miller's Television Shop) where we also lived in the flat above the bank. As George & myself were keen fishermen we decided to sell fishing tackle as well as selling & repairing boots & shoes. The business was still a part time operation as George & myself were employed by ECLP (The clay company). The business was closed in 1962 when I was offered a public house in Manchester.